Rice Kheer Recipe

Kheer Recipe | Indian Rice Pudding

Rice Kheer is a very common and veteran dessert which is liked and prepared in almost every Indian kitchen. 

Rice Kheer is made by boiling milk, sugar, and rice. Rice can be replaced with one of the following: tapioca(sabudana), vermicelli(sewai) etc. Although kheer can be made using any one of them however, rice kheer is very much popular among all. Rice Kheer can be prepared on any occasion or festival. Recipe of Rice Kheer is very simple and thus gets prepared in a very short time and that too with minimum ingredients. 

Here, I have prepared the Rice kheer recipe with basmati rice, dry fruits, phool makhana, milk, nuts and saffron.

Always remember, kheer is prepared in one vessel only. Best part is that it can be enjoyed warm or chilled.

Below you can find the step by step instructions of preparing Rice kheer that will make your Rice kheer Recipe easy and tasty.

rice kheer recipe

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Ingredients (4 people)

  • Basmati Rice, tukda – ¼ Cup or 60 g
  • Milk – 1 Kg
  • Sugar – ¼ Cup or 60 g
  • Pista, chopped – 1 teaspoon
  • Saffron(Kesar) – 8-10 leaves
  • Almond, soaked – 10 pieces
  • Raisins – 15 pieces
  • Cardamom Powder – ½ teaspoon
  • Phool Makhana – 15-20 pieces
  • Water – 2 teaspoon
  • Ghee – 1 teaspoon to avoid burning

How to make Rice Kheer

ingredients for rice kheer
soaking rice for kheer

       Initial Preparation

  • Rinse rice 2-3 times & soak in water for 15 minutes and drain the water.
  • Soak saffron in ¼ cup milk and put aside.
  • Cut each makhana into 2 pieces. Also chop the almonds
boiling milk for kheer

       Main Method

  • Put two spoons of water or a spoon of ghee in a pan. This will not burn the kheer.
  • Take a heavy bottom vessel, add milk to it and boil it on a low flame.
adding kesar to rice kheer
  • Crush the rice with your hand & pour into milk & mix gently to prevent further breaking/dissolving of rice.
  • Add the prepared saffron milk, as mentioned in the initial preparation, into the kheer.
  • Keep stirring the milk occasionally so that the milk does not burn.
add makhana for rice kheer
  • When rice becomes slightly soft, add makhana.
  • After 2 minutes, add almond & raisins in the kheer.
  • Cook until rice becomes softer and slightly mushy. You can mash it with a spoon and check.
adding sugar to kheer
  • Add sugar and cook until the kheer thickens.
  • When it reaches a thick but of running consistency, switch off the gas as it will thicken upon while cooling down.
recipe for rice kheer


  • Add cardamom powder & cover with a lid.
  • Garnish the rice kheer with pista & almond before serving.
  • You can serve the kheer warm or chilled.
  • If you wish to eat chilled kheer, place it in the refrigerator. Chilled kheer also tastes very delicious.

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    Rice Kheer Recipe Tips

    which add magic to you recipe!!!

    Tip 1

    Always use a heavy bottom pan/vessel for making kheer.

    Tip 2

    While making the kheer, press the rice with an aloo-masher or a spoon.

    Tip 3

    To make the milk thick, add 2 teaspoons of milk powder at the time of boiling the milk.

    Tip 4

    You may add chironji and coconut powder at the time of adding raisins and almond to add more flavor to the kheer.

    Tip 5

    You can also add malai at the time of pouring milk to make it more tasty, rich, and thick.

    Tip 6

    Do not cover the pan in the whole process.

    Tip 7

    Add milk in kheer if kheer becomes thick.

    Tip 8

    If you wish to add Rosewater or kewra water in the kheer, add it in the kheer after complete cooking and turning the gas off.

    Tip 9

    You may also use sugar-free sweeteners for diabetics patients.

    Tip 10

    If you don’t have the Basmati rice, you can use another better quality of rice as Basmati rice is not available everywhere.
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